March 17 2022 Had my first Dr appointment at the Cross. Here they have you report to reception were they give you a ‘frequent flyer’ card to show at every visit so you don’t  need to continually register .  It really hit me then that I really do have cancer , not sure this is a club I want to be a part of ! The Dr was going to be my radiation oncologist . He was very nice as were all the employees of the Cross that I had encountered so far . He explained the treatment  plan was 5 days in a row of radiation then he would pass my care onto chemo oncologist. He confirmed lymph node and veinous involvement ,nit what i wanted to hear . He also noted how low my hgb was and asked if I would consider a blood transfusion , I jumped at the chance ! Anything to help with the fatigue and increasing shortness of breath . 

March 18 2022 My Mom and sister Robin arrived today from NS for a quick visit . I was so happy to see them ! When they first said they were coming out I was a bit scared . Did they think I was dying ? What an inconvenience I was being to people , how expensive it was going to be , how sad for my Mom to have to worry about me and she was still working through losing Dad . I felt so guilty .But then I took a step back and had another look . They wanted to come , they felt they needed to lay eyes and hugs on me and I know I would do the same if they had received this diagnosis so I went with it ,accepted this lovely gift with gratitude and enjoyed the visit .  

March 19 2022 Went to the Cross to get 2 units of blood . Robin came with me . We had a good laugh when the nurse told me my blood type was A positive I said that it would be easy to remember , it was just like school not A positive but A plus ! Inside joke as I was a pretty goos student and Robin had to follow in my footsteps , with the teachers ! I remember looking up at the bag of blood and feeling so grateful to the donor . So if you have ever given blood thank you ! 

March 20 2022 Feeling some energy after the blood even my fingertips are pink again not the pale blue I had become accustomed to . I went to Earls for lunch with Mom,Robin ,Sarah and Kim and Alyssa. I even forgot for a few minutes that I was ill . It was so nice ! 

March 22 2022 Said goodbye to Mom and Robin today . Feeling a bit sad and lonely . I am hopeful that I will get to NS this summer ,but we will see.Now I have Emily’s homecoming to look forward to . She is coming home to give me a hand for a few months . She will be here around the first of May . I am so excited and grateful for her to be here. I must have done something right to have raised such a lovey human! 

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