On March 17 , I had what they call a radiation simulation appointment . This is where they do a dry run. I also got 4 tattoos ! I told them I was from NS and requested a lobster ,a lighthouse ,my Dads initials and a may flower . The tech laughed and said they were small circles but if I squinted they would be whatever I wanted them to be !

March 28 2022 Day 1 of 5 radiation treatments . The waiting room is a mixture of people . All ages, sexes and sizes . Some with hair , some without . Some look tired or frail others look ordinary and robust . There is a special area marked ’kid zone’ , that makes you feel less sorry for yourself in a real hurry. Most people have someone with them but many are alone . I am not sure if this is covid related or they are long haulers and are comfortable doing it solo.

My name gets called ,Madison introduces herself and her partner ,they get me positioned just right on the table matching my tattoo’s to light beams ,then they disappear behind a lead wall . I get zapped for around 5 minutes or so ,they say all done ,good job ,see you tomorrow .

I remember looking at the 3 sided machine that circled around me with flashing lights and clanking and zooming noises. I couldn’t help but think of Star Wars . I had images of George Lucas and Steven Spielberg cross my mind , I thought it would have bee fun if I had worn Princess Leia hair buns !

This was repeated 4 more times (so Mon – Fri) and I was done . I felt ok ….. battle 1 is done ,bring on battle 2 ! Look out chemo I am coming for you!

As part of my radiation celebration I got beautiful flowers from my Niece Nikita and my baby Emily ! My living room looks and smells wonderful !

5 Responses

  1. I just finished reading all your blogs and my heart reaches out to yours with so much love. I will keep you in daily prayer. May God’s strength, peace and presence surround you every step of your journey ahead. So thankful for the great medical care you are receiving, and the awesome support of family and friends that you have. That is a huge blessing. I have always had so much admiration and respect for you Susan, and I know you have a lot of people cheering you on as you face this cancer journey. God bless you and keep you in His care. Love and hugs,

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