Round 2 
So in my usual fashion I am approaching round 2 as a project and I intend on improving my failing mark from round 1 . 
My pre chemo appointment was long as we had so much to review from round one . In the end my nausea meds were changed , I had an X-ray that confirmed constipation so more meds added , and they extended my steroids from 1 days post chemo to 4 days and added a litre of extra fluid to get with chemo all with the hope of better symptom control. 
Chemo went well , I drank and had a snack and a snooze ! thanks to Emily for the ride ! 
So far day 2 and 3 have been good . Just took meds for nausea x one , constipation seems to be subsiding and I am drinking more and actually feeling hungry and eating a bit more . Emily is keeping close track of meds and Ken is keeping the water glass full so the team is getting a better mark this go around ! 
Thanks to all of you for your well wishes ,emails, phone calls cards and Facebook messages I really appreciate them . I was just to sick to reply last week so will get back on track this week ! 
Take care no Happy May long weekend ! go Oilers ! 

17 Responses

  1. Send prayers of strength your way Susan. Hope you gain strength for this next rounds. Hugs to you girl. You got this.❤️

  2. Steroids x 4 days post chemo really helped you
    Steroids can be a miracle
    Glad this round is better so far

  3. Thinking of you Aunt Susan!! Glad to hear you’re feeling a bit better. Your strength and humour will get you through this.
    Love Ashley, Dana, Carter, Ava and Weston 💗

  4. Sounds like your health team has things under control. Maybe this round will be easier on you – hope so. Thinking of you daily Susan. Sending love and support your way. Go Flames go!

  5. So sorry to hear what you’ve been through, body and spirit. The end of chemo must seem like a long time away. But every day is one day closer. Rooting for you.

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