March 24 2022 Met with my chemo oncologist today . I think was a bit of a messy appointment . I had a gall bladder attack the night before not sure why , I have not had one for a few years .

Anyway I was awake and in pain my buscapan ( smooth muscle relaxant usually works) did not work so I took an oxycodone ( a left over from an old prescription) this always works and prevents a trip to the ER which I did not want as my appointment at the Cross was for 0745 and I didn’t want to miss it .  The first one did nothing so I took a second needless to say I was a bit unsteady for my early morning appointment and nauseated .

The poor student Dr asked me if I was ok I explained my night  then promptly vomited  in his garbage can ! The oncologist the came in and asked about the oxy , I am sure she thought I was using street drugs. The oxycodone prescription was an older one and did not show up on our fancy new electronic records ! 

I must try hard to make a better second impression than I did a first ! 

My chemo will start after I have an ivad implanted so I can get the chemo without continuous IV pokes . Looks like it will be 8 or 9 rounds of treatment every 2 weeks so about 4 months or so then about a 4-6 week break then surgery . The chemo will be 3 different drugs . My treatment is new based on a world wide research study so I am feeling grateful for all you researchers out there ! 

She said I will not likely lose my hair but it may get thinner . Brooklynn will be disappointed , she really wanted to paint my head lol!

2 Responses

  1. Darn, I was looking forward to seeing the world 🌎 on your head but glad you are not going to lose all your hair

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